Barkman Doodles
Barkman Doodles
Our Family
Barkman Doodles is owned by a lovely, young couple who lives on a rural farm and loves all things outdoors. Their earliest and best childhood memories all involve playing with puppies. They especially enjoy the genetic aspect of dog breeding and continually aiming for the sweetest temperament, along with the best health and the perfect conformation.
They both enjoy interacting with their dogs, taking them on walks, and teaching them new tricks. Their puppies are healthy, well socialized, and adorable.
Health and Wellbeing
As a professional breeder, we are USDA certified and continue to follow their very strict guidelines. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and go beyond their regulations. The health of our puppies and puppy parents will always be our number one priority. Each puppy is individually cared for and has a thorough veterinarian exam shortly before entering your home to ensure they are healthy and happy. We can confidently say that our puppies are raised with the highest levels of love and care.
Family Time
In addition to the care from mommy, our family makes it a priority to interact and socialize with the puppies, starting as soon as they are born. This is to ensure the social skills that puppies require to adjust well with their new families. On top of that, our puppies participate in daily play time, whether it be group play or one-on-one with us. Play time combined with their regular vet checks with our veterinarian team is how they flourish into happy and healthy puppies, ready for their new forever homes!
Puppy Nursery
The welfare of our puppies starts the day of their conception, our veterinarian ensure mom is in top health before she is bred, and we keep her on the best quality possible. Once the puppies are born, they and mommy are under our consistent loving care and supervision. While we are monitoring mom and babies, we are sure to keep a close eye to make sure each puppy is getting enough milk and nutrients from mom. We also know how crucial it is to keep their nursery area properly cleaned and sanitized as their little immune systems develop. Our nursery is setup so that the babies always have a warm place to sleep with radiant heat running under their bed. Mommy and babies are always kept in comfortable climate-controlled temperatures. The mothers have the freedom to lay with the babies anytime she would like or to take a little break and play outside in their own private play yard.
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